Get Fitter in 90 Minutes Per Week

A proven workout designed for people over 50 to build muscle, shed fat, and reclaim your fitness.

In partnership with

Get Fitter in 90 Minutes Per Week

The Boxlife newsletter has been alive for about a year, and we just surpassed 16,000 members (thank you for being here!)

As you might know, I routinely survey the community to learn more about your fitness goals, and issues preventing you from being fitter.

Here are a few things I’ve learned:

  • About 30% of you are 50+ years old.

  • A lot of you struggle with what to do and how to work out.

  • Many find it hard to commit to train consistently (3-4 times a week)

Based on this feedback, I thought about creating a short and simple workout, adapted for people over 50, that is proven to build muscle and shed fat.

This is a close variation of what got me started, back when I was in my 30s, so I know this works very well.

So here it is:

Introducing the PEAK PAST 50 Workout:

Designed specifically for people over 50, this program will help you:

  • Shed Fat

  • Build muscle

  • Increase strength

  • Boost your metabolism

  • Burn about 700 calories per session

Here’s the deal: I’m doing a soft launch of this workout to a subset of this newsletter (if you’re reading this, you’re part of it).

I’m offering the workout for $7 to the first 10 courageous people who are willing to try it.

All that I ask is that you give me your honest feedback about it, deal?

See you on the other side,

Julien Raby