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Identical Twins Test Vegan vs. Omnivorous Diet – Impacts Libido, Body Fat, and Muscle

Plus: What’s a Good 5k Row Time?

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Identical Twins Test Vegan vs. Omnivorous Diet – Notable Impacts on Libido, Body Fat, and Muscle

In a world increasingly fascinated by the impact of diet on health and performance, identical twins Hugo and Ross Turner, known for their adventurous spirit and as “the adventure guinea pigs,” embarked on a unique 12-week journey. 

Their mission? To scientifically compare the effects of a vegan diet against an omnivorous diet, leveraging their identical genetics to strip away bias and opinion and focus on the facts.

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Indoor Rowing

5000m Row Time: What’s a Good Target for Both Beginners and Pros?

If you’re looking for a new challenge, the 5000m row is an excellent distance to work on.

Here’s everything you need to know about the distance, the average 5000m row time, and some tips if you’re planning on adding it to your routine. 

The best leg day

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The 2024 CrossFit Open Marks a 6.7% Increase in Participation with Interesting Demographic Shifts

The CrossFit Open has witnessed a significant increase in participation in 2024.

A total of 344,396 athletes across various divisions—including Open, Teenagers, Masters, and Adaptive athletes—registered for the event, marking a 6.7% rise from the previous year’s figures.

This growth, while positive, reveals nuanced trends upon closer examination, especially in demographic participation.

If you want to get fitter, You should check out this newsletter:

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Train at home

How to Create a Military-Grade Home Gym for 180.94$, With Only 4 Tools, as Effective As a Weight Room

Imagine achieving the muscle and strength gains of a fully-equipped gym with just a 12-pound portable training system.

This isn’t a futuristic fantasy; it’s a reality proven by a groundbreaking study led by Professor Shawn Arent from the University of South Carolina. Designed initially for military use, this system is not just for soldiers or fitness enthusiasts.

It’s a game-changer for everyone, from the busy traveler to the home workout aficionado, offering an affordable and effective fitness solution.

Stay fit,

Julien Raby